Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jacuzzis and Beer Guts

Unemployment has been more of a good thing than a bad thing. Other than the no making any money part. I've managed to go out with Chantal on Wednesday night and get completely hammered with her and Marky. Spent all day Thursday in bed and hungover. Went to lunch with my bestfriendface on Friday, then got beers at McMullans with David. It RAINED, which I was SUPER excited about. Then I had friends over to drink beers and go to the jacuzzi, it was fantastic. The best idea EVER! Now, it's Super Bowl Sunday and while I was supposed to be at work today.. I am snacking on food with the option of drinking beers, but not partaking since I drank a lot last night. I get to go to Reno on Thursday and stay for a week instead of 2 days! Then I get to come home and go to Denver for 2 weeks and MAYBE go to a Nuggets v. Pistons game, which would be AWESOME! Life is good. Fuck the old job, things are so much better without it. I paid the medical bills that I am aware of and filed my taxes. Life is good. I may even get a new cell phone in the next couple of weeks. I also decided that I am not a mind reader or a silence interpreter, and I think I'm going to use that reason for a lot of things in the future. That's fantastic.

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